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Hi, I'm Jake. I am a Minnesota native and have had the opportunity to live in more than 13 states in my adult life. I’ve been working with Family Heritage and Transparent Financial since the beginning of 2020 and plan for this to be my forever career. I enjoy traveling to new places, but for me nothing can beat having a bit of consistent down time with my family and core group of friends.

When I was decided to make a job shift, the three things I needed out of a career were no matter what were:
1. Control over my own income.
2. Earned flexibility to spend time with family as needed and build travel into my schedule.
3. A winning culture and co-workers I would enjoy spending time with.
Even though I found a couple careers that meet those, there was no other opportunity I found with the kind of leadership that Transparent Financial had, and there was no other mentor that seemed to be as driven/caring as Justin is.

This career has been a Godsend. I have been able to make more money than ever before while truly helping people. I love that what we do can help people through some of life’s roughest storms. Or if they are blessed enough to never need us, we are able to give them 100% of their money back. This career has given me the ability to prioritize my family life and really have work/life balance. I love the people I work with. I am so thankful that the people we work with are generous with their time and willing to go above and beyond to make sure we are all achieving success.

When i am not working you can find me competing in Spartan Races or Tough Mudders. I love the competitive nature of those races and the community of people they attract.

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